Weekly NewsScope for November 18, 2002
by WolfStar

Osama Bin Laden Surfaces

Following the verification of a recent Osama bin Laden audio tape, the FBI issued a warning that Al Qaeda operatives may be poised for a spectacular attack against the American people. Terrorist experts said that Bin Laden's bellicose statements will likely inspire his followers to attack wherever possible, and in the most psychologically traumatizing way.

From an astrological perspective, Bin Laden's surfacing* fits precisely with the high public anxiety accompanying transiting Uranus to the U.S. Moon. Uranus recently turned direct and will be conjunct the US Moon on December 10, marking a phase of intense nervousness and fast-paced, alarming developments. The volatile situation in Iraq likewise weighs on the general mood.

While Osama Bin Laden's birth date is controversial, March 10, 1957 (posted by Interpol) fits his abrupt resurfacing. Those who have studied the audiotape hear labored breathing, and he may be very sick. His Pisces Sun squares Saturn in Sagittarius, and these two planets have fallen under the Saturn-Pluto opposition over the last year, corroborating a period of physical rehabilitation.

Bin Laden has Mars in Taurus, which happens to precisely square the U.S. Moon. When Uranus turned direct near the U.S. Moon, at the same time it re-energized Bin Laden's fight against the American people. Transiting Uranus to his Mars invigorates his revolutionary zeal. We can expect Bin Laden will make much more trouble as transiting Pluto, the God of the Underworld, squares his Sun throughout 2003. Bin Laden, like Pluto, will be invisible much of the time, but will surface now and then to foment terror and chaos.

The Quiet Revolution

On November 7, a conference of U.S. Catholic Bishops selected the FBI's top-ranking woman, Kathleen McChesney, to oversee the new sexual abuse policy of the nation's Catholic churches. In the Republican Party, Deborah Pryce became the first woman to be selected as the Chairman of the House Republican Conference. On the other side, Democrats picked Nancy Pelosi as House leader.

The sudden elevation of women in American culture has an astrological basis. In the algebra of astrology, Uranus turning direct while conjunct the U.S. Moon in Aquarius is a straightforward equation describing a revolution (Uranus) in women's rights (Moon in Aquarius). Perhaps revolution is too strong a word, and is more properly described as a quantum leap in social evolution.

 Celebrity Chart
Nancy Pelosi (March 26, 1940; Baltimore; time unknown) is not a token appointment. With her Sun in Aries and her Moon in Scorpio, she is a competitive and intense fighter, and shows strong leadership qualities. Her four planets in Taurus reflect her standing as the Democrat's top fundraiser. Pelosi entered the national spotlight last week as transiting Uranus turned direct while squaring her Mars** in Taurus.

The influence of Uranus to Mars impels the individual to a strident, self-assertion. Because the link is a challenging square, her bold drive was contested by more conservative Democrats. Uranus was a major factor in the charts of other women who jumped forward at this time. For example, Elizabeth Dole (June 29, 1936) won the Senate race in North Carolina as Uranus formed a hard aspect to her Juno-Pluto conjunction, perhaps disrupting her marriage with Bob.

Al Roker Loses 100 Pounds

Al Roker, the jolly NBC weatherman for the Today show, has lost one hundred pounds since March, and last week he revealed how he did it. He's tried every diet imaginable, but with no success. As obesity-related health problems grew worse, he opted for gastric surgery that reduced the size of his stomach from a football to an egg.

 Celebrity Chart
Al Roker was born an outgoing Leo (August 20, 1954; Queens, NY; time unknown) with his Moon located in the gourmet food section of the zodiac, Taurus. In her excellent book The Moon in Your Life, astrologer Donna Cunningham describes the Moon's association with over-eating. The Taurus Moon in particular seeks to avoid deprivation and fear of lack, and when under stress, fights this emotion through shopping or eating.

In Roker's case, his Moon is chronically stressed by squaring a Mercury-Pluto conjunction. Mercury-Pluto aspects are prone to obsessions or mental fixations. Roker realized he was a food addict, and when transiting Uranus first opposed his Mercury-Pluto last March, he went under the knife. This operation is fairly dangerous with a 1-in-200 fatality rate.

The process wasn't as easy as getting surgery, however, and Roker had to embark on a strict regimen of eating right and exercising regularly. Transiting Saturn is now opposite his natal Mars at 28 Sagittarius, and this provides the ideal celestial restraint on bad habits. Uranus can provide the technological fix, but only Saturn can instill the discipline to stay healthy.

* Advanced astrologers will note that the U.S. progressed Mars in the 12th house of hidden enemies was activated by transiting Mars on the day the tape was released, as Bin Laden became demonstrably alive.

** Compare to Bin Laden's parallel Mars in Taurus.

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Last modified on November 18, 2002.
