NewsScope for November 3, 2014
by Michael WolfStar

Tim Cook’s Brick

Last week Tim Cook made history when he became the first CEO of a Fortune 500 company to openly declare that he’s gay. Although he never concealed his sexual orientation, he felt he had to publicly acknowledge this now to encourage others. His declaration, penned for Businessweek*, concluded, "We pave the sunlit path to justice together, brick by brick. This is my brick."

 Celebrity Chart

Tim Cook was born with a Sun-Neptune conjunction in cryptic, intense Scorpio (November 1, 1960; Mobile, AL; time unknown). Neptune’s influence over his Sun describes the inspirational and visionary qualities that have led Apple after founder Steve Jobs passed. The potential negative side is that one easily falls into playing out expected roles, can be accused of having no backbone -- and most problematic – has no clear feeling of who he is.

The weakness issue is underscored by Cook’s Mars in Cancer, which tends to make one moody, vacillating, and indirect. Mars is under major pressure by squaring a bold Aries Moon, and opposing responsible, ambitious Saturn in Capricorn. These moderating factors have spurred Cook’s Mars into becoming a formidable corporate warrior. Sexual orientation has no reliable astrological signatures, but it’s noteworthy that Mars also conjoins Black Moon Lilith, where it tunes his masculine expression into taboo areas.

Cook’s Sun-Neptune sits right on the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant, so that he helps shape the American image. And with his Uranus exactly opposite the U.S. Moon, he brings pioneering technology to the public, and now, a startling breakthrough about what can be called normal behavior. He wrote his op-ed piece as transiting Saturn conjoined his Mercury in Scorpio, as he shared his deepest thoughts about what the possibilities are for someone who is gay in America.

Remembering Joan Quigley

On May 3, 1988, Reagan’s former aide Donald Regan revealed "the most closely guarded domestic secret of the White House" in his just-published book For the Record. Although he didn’t name her, the news media quickly tracked down Nancy Reagan’s astrologer, the San Francisco socialite Joan Quigley**. Through the First Lady, Quigley had been advising the president on best days to undertake various activities.

 Celebrity Chart

Joan Quigley was born with a Fire Grand Trine that connects her pioneering Aries Sun with ethereal Neptune and helpful Ceres (April 10, 1927; 4:17 pm; Kansas City, MO). As an "old school" astrologer, Quigley believed he would become a great leader because he had three planets in their exaltation. Quigley’s 10th house holds Pluto at 13º Cancer where it conjoins the U.S. Sun. This alignment indicates how her professional life (10th house) would influence America’s leadership (U.S. Sun).

Quigley’s Virgo Ascendant shows her attention to the details of casting accurate horoscopes and making interpretations by the book. Yet with Mercury in Pisces conjunct Jupiter and opposite her Ascendant, her ability to process information was formed as much by her highly developed intuition as the symbols in the charts. Mercury also squares Mars, so that her pronouncements were often blunt and unwavering.

Coming out or being outed is a matter of transits and progressions to the Ascendant. The more forceful planets can indicate that a secret is revealed. In Joan’s case, her progressed Ascendant had reached 10º Scorpio when Regan’s allegations were proved correct. Transiting Pluto at the time was at 11º Scorpio, very near her progressed Ascendant, and also squaring her royal Moon at 11º Leo. Thanks Joan for bringing astrology to the highest level in the land.

Renée Zellwegger’s New Appearance

A reader comments, "Renée Zellweger's recent facial plastic surgery is drastic to the point she is literally unrecognizable. What was Renée's motivation? I'm wondering how this affects her, both personally and professionally."

 Celebrity Chart

Astrologically, the physical appearance most closely corresponds to the Ascendant. Any major transit or progression involving the Ascendant can lead one to change their look. Renée was born with 11º Virgo Rising (April 25, 1969; 2:42 pm; Baytown, TX), and when she showed up at the Women in Hollywood Awards on October 20 with her startling changes, transiting Pluto was at 11º Capricorn and trine her Ascendant. As we know, Pluto is about deep transformation.

Vanity is a quality associated with Venus, especially when under hard aspects. In Renée’s case, her Venus is located in action-oriented Aries and quincunx (150º) the Ascendant. Consequently, transiting Pluto has also been squaring her Venus when she underwent the various surgical procedures in an attempt to improve her looks and self-esteem.

Mercury, the ruler of her chart, is also a major factor. Her Mercury is challenged by an opposition to Neptune in the 3rd house of mental attitude, a set-up that can lead to self-deception and mental confusion. Transiting Saturn opposed her Mercury when she made her debut, which led to much criticism.

Ms. Zellweger’s progressed Midheaven is making some great connections over the next three years (trine Neptune, sextile Jupiter), so her career should do well. Over the coming year, she’s under the influence of a progressed Venus-Saturn conjunction, which may give her a tough demeanor, but inwardly, some feelings of regret and isolation. Look for her to regain her self-confidence and begin shining when transiting Jupiter arrives on her Ascendant in October 2015.

* See

** See,,20099022,00.html

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Last modified on November 3, 2014.