If you have version 6.1 of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, which started shipping in July, 2002, you can download and run the HSUPD32.EXE program that will automatically update your program to the current minor version. As of April 19, 2003, AstrolDeluxe was at version If you want to know what minor version your program is at, double-click in Windows on My Computer, select drive C: and the Winastro folder - then right-click on winast32.exe and look at Properties, Version. You need to have installed the version 6.1 CD-ROM and companion diskette before you can run this update. If you received your version 6.1 program after April 19, 2003, you should already have the latest version, as we always put the latest version on the 3.5 inch companion diskette that comes with the CD.
Most version 6.1 customers have version because we sold that very stable program version from September 2002 through February 2003. Version improved the printed biwheel chart by reducing the font size in the wheel, and version added maps for Canada, Mexico, and Australia. These maps are integrated with the included PC Atlas of 250,000 locations (letting you search for cities at particular map locations or show the location of a particular PC Atlas city). The astrocartography maps of Canada, Mexico, and Australia come in two forms, an interactive color screen map and a pattern-based monochrome map. Although both can be printed, the monochrome map is optimized for printing.
Version 6.1.10, improved how the Chart Information
screen File menu option, Save Screen as Image File, handles screens that
are not maximized. Previously, if the Chart Information form with the
screen wheel was smaller than the screen as a whole, the saved image file
would have unnecessary white space underneath and to the right of the wheel.
This fix trims that white space, allowing the user to size the form to
the desired wheel resolution and then get an image file such as GIF with
a smaller size chart wheel.
Click to download a program to update your AstrolDeluxe, version 6.1 program. When you run the HSUPD32.EXE program, it will automatically find the AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter astrology program where you last ran it, and before HSUPD32 updates your winast32.exe file it will make a copy of the old file to a name which includes today's date (month and day). If you have AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter open, you must exit from it before running the HSUPD32.EXE update program.
Click to download the HOPI.EXE self-extracting asteroid download.
Click to download the self-extracting version
of the new 16-bit program DLLs. When you run the self-extracting program, it will give you the opportunity to unzip the two DLL files into your
\winastro application folder.
Click to download the self-extracting version
of the new 32-bit program DLLs. When you run the self-extracting program, it will give you the opportunity to unzip the transit and calculation DLL files into your
\winastro application folder.
Click to download the self-extracting collection of
19 additional asteroids. When you run the self-extracting program, it will give you the opportunity to unzip the collection into the
c:\winastro\asteroid\ folder on your hard disk.
Version 6.1.10 also fixed a problem in which, for the on-screen triple
wheel, the bottom line of the chart legend for the middle circle chart
could be too close to the bottom of the form and get cut off in the saved
screen image.
Version 6.1.10 fixed an apparent doubling of the menu bar for the Chart
Information screen on some Windows versions when the user selects to print
to the printer.
Version 6.1.11 traps an out of memory error that can occur at More Chart Data, Life History Events.
From time to time, Microsoft announces security-related patches. Following is a link to a particularly important patch. Even if you ignore the advice to update your Office software, which requires you to get out all your Office CDs, the VBA patch seems like a good one to apply.
As of July 14, 2001, there is a fix for the asteroid Hopi (2938), which is one of the 51 asteroids that come with all versions of AstrolDeluxe for Windows. The 1993 astronomical data file of elements for this asteroid gave incorrect positions (kudos to Dennis Morrissey for catching this error). The 2001 data file gives the correct results, so I recalculated the AstrolDeluxe elements for 1800-2100 A.D. for this asteroid. You only need to download the new elements for Hopi if you have version 4 or 5 of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter or your version 2.4 of AstrolDeluxe for Windows dates to before July 14, 2001.
A new release as of April 20, 2001 makes the planet Pluto calculations more accurate for distant time periods. The Pluto calculations in Halloran Software programs have always had one-minute accuracy for the 1800 to 2100 A.D. period. The new release gives one-minute accuracy for the 1600 to 2200 A.D period. It adds 1/2 degree accuracy for the -150 to 1600 period. And the release adds one degree accuracy for the -2000 to -150 period. This is only for the 32-bit versions 6, 5, and 4.1. See below to download the 32-bit DLL.
If you are one of the few customers who is still using the 16-bit version 3 of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, you can fix a Y2K problem with the year display by going in Windows 95/98 to Start, Settings, Control Panel, Regional Settings, Date, changing the Short Date format to a format with yyyy such as MM/dd/yyyy and clicking on the Apply button.
For users of AstrolDeluxe for Windows, version 2.3, and AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, version 3, a fix to the 16-bit transits and progressions calculation DLL is shipping as of May 9, 2000. A new version of the 16-bit planetary calculation DLL started shipping as of April 20, 2002. The 2002 update fixes a problem that could cause the position of the sun to be a minute fast at the time of the vernal equinox. This DLL update also applies to users of Astrology for Windows, version 2.3, as well as to users of AstrolDeluxe for Windows, version 2.4. Download and run the self-extracting unzip program, which also includes the AstrolDeluxe transits DLL.
Download the updates below only if your program dates after August 25, 1998. If you have AstrolDeluxe for Windows, version 2.3, or AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, version 3, since August 25, 1998, download the HSDLL31.EXE file, run it, and select
its option to Unzip to your \winastro application directory. Do not download this fix
if your program dates to before August 25, 1998.
For users of AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, version 4, a fix to the 32-bit transits and progressions calculation DLL began shipping as of May 9, 2000. These fixes corrected sporadic problems with the progressions list ascendant and midheaven and prevent the solar arc directions list from skipping aspects. A new version of the 32-bit planetary calculation DLL started shipping as of April 20, 2002. The 2002 update fixes a problem that could cause the position of the sun to be a minute fast at the time of the vernal equinox. Users of AstrolDeluxe versions 4 through 6 can download this update by getting the HSDLL6.EXE file, running it, and selecting its option to Unzip to your \winastro application directory. Do not download this fix if you have a 32-bit version 4 program which dates to before August 25, 1998.
Add a collection of 19 more asteroids to the 51 that come both with
AstrolDeluxe for Windows, version 2.3 or later, and with AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, version 3.0.30 or later. To see the names of the 51 included asteroids, click here.
To see the names of the 19 asteroids which the download will add to your program, click here.
Click to download an updated schema file, astrol.biz, that will allow Internet Explorer to read XML files that you export from version 6.1 of AstrolDeluxe. Save this file to the astrology application folder on your hard disk, which is normally c:\winastro\.
The only known problem with the word processor control that came built into the 32-bit AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter, version 4, is that Microsoft made a change in Word 2000 that makes it unable to read the section and delineation headings of the report writer's saved RTF files. So this problem only affects you if you are trying to read saved reports with Microsoft's Word 2000. You can download an update to the word processor control here. Click to download the self-extracting file that contains the updated control. When you run the self-extracting program, it will give you the opportunity to unzip the TER32.DLL into the c:\winastro folder on your hard disk. You may need to restart your computer in order for Windows to start using the updated control.
Add the Slovak language to the 12 languages that come with the
Astrology for Windows download. Click to download and save the language file in self-extracting form to your hard disk. When you run the self-extracting program, it will give you the opportunity to unzip to the
c:\winastro\ folder on your hard disk (or to a folder that you specify). After extracting the Slovak language file, the self-extractor will start the Astrology for Windows setup program which lets you select your desired program language.
Add the Polish language to the 12 languages that come with the
Astrology for Windows download. Click to download and save the language file in self-extracting form to your hard disk. When you run the self-extracting program, it will give you the opportunity to unzip to the
c:\winastro\ folder on your hard disk (or to a folder that you specify). After extracting the Polish language file, the self-extractor will start the Astrology for Windows setup program which lets you select your desired program language.
Add the Russian language to the 12 languages that come with the
Astrology for Windows download. Click to download and save the language file in self-extracting form to your hard disk. When you run the self-extracting program, it will give you the opportunity to unzip to the
c:\winastro\ folder on your hard disk (or to a folder that you specify). After extracting the Russian language file, the self-extractor will start the Astrology for Windows setup program which lets you select your desired program language. The Russian language file is not new - it formerly came with the Astrology for Windows download, but to keep the size of the version 2.3g download small enough to fit on a 3.5 inch diskette, the Russian language file is now a separate download.
Copyright © 1998-2003 Halloran Software, Los Angeles, California
Last modified on November 3, 2003.