










NewsScope for June 6, 2016
by Michael WolfStar

Hillary’s New Political Strategy

Hillary’s speech in California last Thursday was billed as a foreign policy address, but instead, she used the occasion to launch her new, more aggressive campaign persona. Pundits called it the best and most striking speech of her political career. She said Trump was too unstable to be president, and that his ideas were nothing but "bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies."

Naturally, Mars is behind the string of zingers Hillary leveled against Trump. Considering the traditional planets, Hillary’s Mars in Leo is fortified by a conjunction with Pluto and Saturn. All three square her Mercury, which is situated near her Scorpio Ascendant. This configuration in itself naturally tends toward aggressive speech, but her Sun aspecting Ceres and Pallas and her Pisces Moon prefer to present a softer, more compassionate personality.

 Celebrity Chart

Hillary and her speech writers spent days preparing this verbal assault on Trump, as transiting Mars in Scorpio squared Hillary’s Pallas, the political strategy asteroid. At the same time, transiting Pallas in Pisces opposed her progressed Mars, creating a double Mars-Pallas theme. The repeated astrological message describes the speech as a watershed moment.

Mars is slowing down in its retrograde phase, preparing to turn direct at the end of June. Mars will station at 23º Scorpio – very near Hillary’s Ascendant. By this time, she will have wrapped up the Democratic nomination even though Bernie Sanders will do well in the California primary. Mars turning direct on her Ascendant marks a powerful beginning for an attack-oriented campaign. It’s supported by transiting Saturn’s trine to her natal Mars-Pluto conjunction, which helps her appear tough, practical and responsible.

The Astrology of Pain

Saturn’s placement often describes when and where pain shows up. For example, Prince was born with his Sun opposite Saturn in Sagittarius, the sign associated with hips. His progressed Ascendant was conjunct his Saturn in 2010 when he had double hip replacement sugery. Ever since then, he took fentanyl – an addictive opiate far more powerful than heroin -- to alleviate the pain.

Last week, the official autopsy report revealed that he died of an accidental overdose of fentanyl. You first read about Prince’s drug-related death in NewsScope which was attributed to a strong Neptune signature. And now, under the influence of the current Saturn-Neptune square, Americans are becoming aware of the severity of the fentanyl overdose epidemic.

 Celebrity Chart

Fentanyl was first synthesized and patented by Dr. Paul Janssen (September 12, 1926; 12:00pm*, Turnhout, Belgium), who was born with Saturn right on his Scorpio Ascendant. With Saturn conjunct his receptive Moon and opposite Mars, Janssen had a keen interest in pain. Saturn also squares Neptune in his chart, and he spent his life researching and developing pharmaceuticals that alleviate pain.

Saturn sextiles his Virgo Sun, which is placed in the 10th house of business. Saturn also trines the research planet Pluto. These harmonious combinations created pathways for the successful invention and entrepreneurship of 80 patented drugs, by far the most for any individual.

Curiously, Janssen has Black Moon Lilith right on his Midheaven where it conjoins Mercury. This configuration suggests the dark side of the mind, which may include addiction and mental illness. His first breakthrough drug invention came on February 11, 1958 with the synthesis of haloperidol, which successfully treated schizophrenia. At the time, his progressed Ascendant was exactly squaring his Lilith. Fentanyl received its U.S. patent on July 21, 1963 when transiting Pluto was conjunct his Lilith.

Muhammad Ali, the Greatest

For at least 15 years, Muhammad Ali was the most recognized and beloved person in the world. Beyond his extraordinary athletic ability, Ali was admired for being a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War. In 1967 he was convicted of draft evasion and stripped of his boxing title at the peak of his physical prowess. Eventually, the conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court.

 Celebrity Chart

Ali was born with his Sun in ambitious Capricorn (January 17, 1942; 6:35 pm; Louisville, KY) where participates in an Earth Grand Trine: the Sun trines Saturn and Uranus in Taurus, and graceful Neptune in Virgo. Saturn and Uranus are located in his 10th house of career, giving the champ professional staying power as "The Greatest". Mars in Taurus holds strongly to its beliefs, especially in the 9th house of religion. And with Mars squaring Pluto, his will becomes indomitable.

Venus’s angular placement on the Descendant softens Ali, adding to his good looks. Its opposition to his Leo Ascendant tends toward vanity. After he defeated Sonny Liston, he exclaimed, "I am the greatest! I shook up the world. I'm the prettiest thing that ever lived." Venus in Aquarius gives him a keen interest in equal rights and fairness. Yet with Venus squaring Saturn, he found these qualities sadly lacking for Black Americans.

In February 1966 Ali was re-classified as 1-A by the Louisville draft board, but he refused to fight in Vietnam. At the time, his progressed Sun was just past its conjunction with his Venus and about to square his Saturn. The progressed Sun to Venus brought him immense popularity and wealth as the heavyweight champion of the world, but with the square to Saturn, he was ready to give it all up for his anti-war stance. For the next three years he spoke out against the war and for racial justice, as transiting Saturn made its way through his 9th house of beliefs.

* 12:00 pm, noon is his exact birth time, and is rated AA.

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Last modified on May 30, 2016.
