










The Hunt for Planet Nine

AstrolDeluxe Platinum added a new type of search that could help to astrologically pinpoint the location of Planet Nine. Mike Brown at Caltech is the most well-known of many astronomers who have deduced the existence of a large planet lurking outside of the solar system, whose gravitational influence could explain the orbits of a dozen worlds.* The number of Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects has exploded in recent years, with Sedna still the largest of them, at about half the size of Pluto or Eris. These ETNOs have elongated elliptical orbits, but something is causing their perihelia, where they come closest to the Sun, to cluster together. Planet Nine would be much larger than all of them, almost as large as Neptune. For a recent dissenting voice regarding the necessity of Planet Nine, based on the discovery of 2013 SY99, whose inclination from the ecliptic, at just 4.2 degrees, is less than that of the other ETNOs, see Michelle Bannister.**

According to the Planet Nine article in Wikipedia, a lack of perturbations to Saturn's orbit indicates that Planet Nine should now be either at approximately tropical 30 degrees if it is closer to its perihelion or between 45 degrees and 85 degrees if it is nearing its aphelion. From an astrological point of view, this 'Planet Nine' would be like a fixed star -- changing its position in the zodiac very slowly. The proposed orbit of Planet Nine is shown with red dots in the picture below:

Orbits of Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects and Planet Nine

In terms of being the most distant and slow-moving planet, Planet Nine would be in the same position as the planet Saturn was to our early ancestors who lived without telescopes. Astrologically, it might be that Planet Nine corresponds to the higher octave of Saturn. The world could now be ready to discover the higher octave of Saturn, after having evolved through planetary stages corresponding to the higher octaves of Mars and Jupiter, in the form of Pluto and Chiron, during the last century.

Chronos is another name for Saturn. Chronos refers to a plodding, limited kind of time. The other Greek word for time, Kairos, is the antithesis of Chronos, referring to times that free us from the isolated channels of our routine existence. Kairos times are about making higher connections. The barriers between us and reality become permeable. Kairos is the principle of reaching out and integrating with others and a larger reality in a deep and meaningful way. This could give us a clue regarding the principle or theme that Planet Nine might represent. But note also that Saturn deals with knowledge, control, and mastery, which in the higher octave becomes less personal and more transpersonal.

From the AstrolDeluxe Platinum Help Manual, here is the documentation for the new search that I added early in 2016 to Options, Research Charts, Search Two, Search by Dominant. "To do a different type of search, enter a number from 1 to 360 in the textbox at the bottom of the form, with the caption, "Investigate zodiac degree instead (enter 1 to 360):." You must leave the "Type of Search" at 'Planet'. If the new textbox contains a value from 1 to 360, then the routine will find charts in which, if there was a planet at that degree, then that planet would be dominant, based either on having multiple aspects or being on a chart angle. The idea of doing this frequency search on the file of 5300 famous people is to identify zodiac degrees that have unusually high or low representation in the famous people's charts, that could possibly signal the presence and influence of slow-moving undiscovered planets, fixed stars, or planetary node placements tied to those degrees."

The By Dominant search whittles the charts in the list down to just those charts that have a specified planet either as the 1st most dominant, 2nd most dominant, 3rd most dominant, et cetera. This ties into how AstrolDeluxe determines relative planet strengths. To understand this better, look at the sample Group Signature for the Kennedy family at the end of:

AstrolDeluxe ReportWriter Release Notes

The validity of this method of establishing planet strengths in a chart is shown by the searches involving male and female authors, described right after the graph.

So the degree search goes through all the selected charts, which could be all 5300 of the famous charts, calculating the relative planet strengths for each chart. The new feature takes a normally overlooked planet, the Moon's South Node, and temporarily assigns to it the degree longitude that the user is researching, such as 85 degrees (= 25 Gemini), to find charts where that degree location would be that of a dominant strength planet. If the chart meets the criteria, then the famous person's chart stays in the list. The numbers in the table below are for how many famous people remain in the list if a planet at that degree were exerting enough power to be at least the third most dominant planet in the chart.

Look at the Historical Frequency Graph that precedes the graph for the Kennedy family at the above page. We are looking for either high or low frequency numbers for the degrees in which the slow-moving planet was located in those years when the most famous people were born.

This is a new research area. Right now we are trying to get a big picture overview and hints of where to focus. To achieve more precision, one could use the By Birthday search in advance to narrow the charts down to a particular decade before doing these By Dominant degree searches.

It can be tedious to wait for the result of one of these degree searches, as each search requires enormous computer processing. Each search ties up so many computer resources, that it is necessary to exit from and then restart AstrolDeluxe after every three such searches. Customers who help and contribute to filling in the table below will have their names publicly acknowledged.

Degree Results
1 446
2 435
3 438
4 438
5 432
6 472
7 473
8 486
9 488
10 467
11 478
12 496
13 476
14 492
15 495
16 494
17 490
18 510
19 498
20 486
21 468
22 471
23 455
24 472
25 469
26 440
27 422
28 422
29 416
30 413
31 422
32 435
33 450
34 458
35 438
36 466
37 462
38 448
39 445
40 456
41 447
42 418
43 438
44 461
45 460
46 468
47 461
48 442
49 437
50 401
51 393
52 402
53 411
54 402
55 430
56 432
57 411
58 400
59 421
60 448
61 444
62 423
63 405
64 423
65 412
66 404
67 403
68 433
69 436
70 433
71 414
72 395
73 410
74 414
75 429
76 441
77 445
78 441
79 450
80 425
81 418
82 436
83 427
84 425
85 410
86 411
87 399
88 419
89 410
90 403
91 412
92 422
93 415
94 396
95 411
96 435
97 419
98 408
99 411
100 400
101 408
102 439
103 437
104 437
105 426
106 438
107 426
108 440
109 436
110 447
111 427
112 412
113 418
114 426
115 437
116 427
117 395
118 369
119 368
120 372
121 378
122 381
123 384
124 386
125 382
126 392
127 383
128 385
129 398
130 389
131 383
132 384
133 369
134 406
181 424
360 443

At Customization, Planets, the additional points of Ascendant, Midheaven, Moon's Nodes (mean), Chiron, and Black Moon Lilith (mean) are turned on. The Part of Fortune, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, Vertex, East Point, and Eris are turned off. At Customization, Aspect Orbs, the Natal Orbs are set to their Default Values. The final three choices at Customization, Miscellaneous Preferences, are set to their default values of Off, On, and On. Before searching for a particular degree, the By Birthday search is used to specify that the Year must be >1900, which reduces the famousp.cht items from 5366 to 4442. Then, at By Dominant, leave Planet selected, but for Range select Top 3 and specify a degree from 1 to 360.

When all the results in the above table are filled in, the degree frequency information should be a valuable resource for researchers and theorists.

If you do not yet have AstrolDeluxe Platinum, click here to order version 9.3.

* Planet Nine - Wikipedia

**Our discovery of a minor planet beyond Neptune shows there might not be a 'Planet Nine' after all - The Conversation
    2013 SY99 - Wikipedia

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Last modified on May 12, 2017.
