










NewsScope for November 28, 2016
by Michael WolfStar

Ceres and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020

Last week, Green Party candidate Jill Stein raised enough money to fund a recount in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. These three states narrowly went to Trump but were expected to go to Hillary. The potential hacking of the voting system was brought up in a New York magazine report that quoted a cybersecurity expert -- and also several times in NewsScope before the election.

Astrologically, the election of Hillary would be going against the rising tide of conservative empowerment* associated with the approaching Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020. Although Saturn has yet to join Pluto in Capricorn, the influence of this important combination is already being felt in global politics. Richard Tarnas (in Cosmos & Psyche) has described this cycle as being marked by the rise of authoritarian, nationalistic impulses to protect against threatening subversive elements.

 Celebrity Chart

The horoscope for the one and only conjunction of Saturn and Pluto (January 12, 2020; 11:59 am; Washington DC) is unusual in that the Sun, Ceres, and Mercury are also in the mix, making a five-planet stellium in the sign of corporate and political structures. Ceres, the asteroid associated with the environment, is under immense pressure, especially if we consider that the recently discovered outer planet Eris squares the Capricorn stellium.

President-elect Trump is the American expression of the authoritarian, conservative themes that go with the Saturn-Pluto vibe. Europe has already shifted that way, with the Brexit vote and the tightening of borders to restrain the flood of Syrian refugees. The involvement of a besieged Ceres in the Saturn-Pluto chart underscores Tarnas’ view that Saturn-Pluto brings a "systematic empowerment of anti-environmental forces and policies." Trump’s open disdain of the EPA and his appointment of fossil fuel plutocrats underscore this anti-environmental theme.

December’s Top Five Astro-Events

1. The Sun and Venus are octile on the 14th, and cast their romantic, sweet vibe into social affairs from the 7th through 21st. Generally fostering peace and harmony in personal relationships, this combination often prefers friendship over sex and intimacy since Venus is in the networking sign of Aquarius. Expression in social media is favored, along with meeting in small gatherings, and enjoying what life offers.

2. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 13th creates a busy phase with many projects unfolding simultaneously. The days leading up to this Full Moon are tinged by the Sun’s conjunction with Saturn and aspects to other outer planets, reminding us that the geopolitical situation is serious and carries numerous possible outcomes and scenarios. Multitasking is favored, as is getting involved in projects that transcend the immediate family dynamics.

3. Mercury turns retrograde on the 19th in the business sign of Capricorn. For the next three weeks (through January 8th), avoid making any important business decisions, signing important contracts or other documents. When shopping, make sure the gifts you buy have a solid return policy, and avoid items with prices that seem too good to be true. Expect some angry words on the 18th and 19th but choose your battles wisely.

4. Jupiter opposes Uranus on the 26th, an electric combination in effect from the 19th through month’s end. In itself, the Jupiter-Uranus pair encourages breaking away from tradition, but since Jupiter is also sextile Saturn, doing something different while remaining within acceptable standards may ease anxiety. Those who stick with the tried and true face rebellion and protest. Unexpected or even shocking geopolitical developments may disrupt the holiday spirit.

5. Saturn trines Uranus on the 24th, creating a supportive celestial atmosphere from the 17th through month’s end. In gatherings involving friends and/or family, the harmonious Saturn-Uranus connection welcomes the blending of generations, readily mixing the young and old. New ideas, technologies, and aspirations have an opportunity to fit in with existing structures and formats. With Mercury retrograde, make sure you check your facts.

Jesse Ventura’s Marijuana Manifesto

The November 8 election was a watershed day for the cannabis industry. Legalizing marijuana was on the ballot in nine states, and eight of them passed it as transiting Neptune (the natural ruler of drugs) turned direct while trine the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant. Former WWE celebrity and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura is now promoting his Marijuana Manifesto, which was published last week.**

 Celebrity Chart

Born with his Cancer Sun square Neptune (July 15, 1951; 3:00 am; Minneapolis, MN), Ventura has an innate inclination to use marijuana, especially since Neptune is located in the 5th house of recreational activities. His Sun also trines Ceres in sympathetic Pisces, which is found in the 10th house where it conjoins his karmic North Node. Ceres here encourages him to promote marijuana’s medicinal benefits.

With Black Moon Lilith sitting on his Gemini Ascendant, Ventura is no stranger to taboo, offbeat issues. Factor in his eccentric, highly independent Mars-Uranus conjunction – also in the 1st house – and you get a colorful character who thrives on controversy. Transiting Neptune just turned direct in his 10th house where it trines his natal Mars-Uranus and progressed Lilith, presenting an ideal window to publish his Marijuana Manifesto.

Neptune’s hard aspects tend to drain one’s vitality, but Ventura is currently under the influence of a progressed Mars-Pluto conjunction in dramatic Leo. Mars-Pluto combinations at their best bring courage, strong persuasive power, and fascinating charisma. In December, transiting Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus will all be activating Ventura’s progressed Mars-Pluto. This dynamic configuration indicates that he’ll likely be lionized in the public arena as he promotes marijuana’s recreational, medicinal, and financial benefits.

* The Economist has a good background story on this subject: http://www.economist.com/news/international/21710276-all-around-world-nationalists-are-gaining-ground-why-league-nationalists

The Saturn-Pluto cycle was previously profiled in NewsScope on March 7, 2016

** For details, read http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jesse-ventura-marijuana-book_us_58349165e4b01ba68ac32d14

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Last modified on November 28, 2016.
