










NewsScope for February 22, 2016
by Michael WolfStar

Donald Trump and Mars

As one of the few candidates with a known birth time, Trump makes an ideal case for astrological investigation. Mars is all over his chart, and that fits with his brash, insulting, and abrasive style. Natally, Mars conjoins his Leo Ascendant, making it the most prominent planet in his chart. His personal style is direct and unabashedly self-promotional. The self-confidence inferred by this placement verges on arrogance and conceit.

 Celebrity Chart

Trump’s Gemini Sun conjoins the U.S. Mars, which adds to the martial element, but in a way that is strongly militant. Many American celebrities as well as corporate and political leaders have close connections to the U.S. Mars, which bestows a kind of "alpha male" archetype. And most telling of his confrontational, argumentative diatribes is that his progressed Mars at 8º Libra is in a tight square to natal Mercury.

This progressed Mars-squaring-Mercury aspect will become exact in mid-May, indicating that his hostile, confrontational speeches will only intensify between now and then. One more Mars indicator is present now, and that’s his progressed Ascendant at 26º Libra where it forms a harmonious sextile to natal Mars. This aspect knows how to back off, to be more conciliatory. It’s in effect now and for the rest of the campaign season.

Trump hates a loser, and if he starts lagging in the primaries, he may find a reason to become a third party candidate. His natal Sun-Uranus conjunction opposite his Sagittarius Moon represents an individual who thrives on making shocking statements or taking unexpected and troublesome actions that upset the status quo. Watch in May as the GOP establishment and Trump tangle when this progressed Mars-square-Mercury aspect becomes exact. That’s a scenario for a brokered convention or Trump’s third-party run.

The Top Five Astro-Events for March

1. Jupiter is quincunx (150º) Uranus on the 6th, and in effect from the 1st through 11th, emphasizing originality, innovation, and radical change. An air of excitement and danger hangs over personal, social, and geopolitical developments. Look for technological breakthroughs, and moves that threaten the status quo or traditional ways. Those promoting "anti-" anything are in the news. This is the first of several major Jupiter aspects this month.

2. The Solar Eclipse at 18º Pisces on the 8th is BIG since it’s perfectly aligned with Jupiter in Virgo. Some prominent business, political, or military leaders may suddenly die or leave their posts, while others become spontaneous success stories. The field of presidential candidates gets winnowed down under this influence. Religious leaders will likely be making headline news. Expect unusual weather events or a major natural disaster, such as an earthquake.

3. Jupiter trines Pluto on the 16th, and is influential from the 10th to 22nd. In the Earth signs Virgo and Capricorn, this combination favors Big Business and Big Money. Politicians with huge cash reserves are in the news, and mega-corporations are making their moves. Look for mega-mergers and buy-outs. If you have natal planets at 16º to 18º of any sign, now is the time to think and act big in the area represented by that planet.

4. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 23rd takes place as Jupiter squares Saturn bringing, for many, repressed and expressed conflict within partnerships. The Aries Sun trines Mars, giving an impulse toward independent action, while the Moon in Libra prefers to act in concert with others. The Jupiter-Saturn connection becomes a strong influence over the coming month, and underscores the divide between freedom and commitment, trust and mistrust, living faith and dead ritual.

5. Saturn turns retrograde on the 25th while being squared by Venus. Exuberance, joy, self-confidence, and cheerfulness take a hit around this time under Saturn’s influence. Harsh reality sets in, along with inhibitions, fears, and troubles – in both finances and relationships. Take the time to reflect on all that has happened over the past month, and set a more prudent course. Now you know who is with you and who isn’t.

Tim Cook vs. the FBI

When we last profiled Tim Cook*, he was making history as the first CEO of a Fortune 500 company to openly declare he’s gay. Last week, he made history again by defying a federal court order allowing the FBI access to an iPhone. He called the order "an overreach" that would "undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect."

 Celebrity Chart

Cook was born with a Sun-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio (November 1, 1960; Mobile, Alabama; time unknown), which is located right on the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant. This placement allows him to shape the national image (Ascendant) according to his personal path (Sun). Having Uranus at 25º Aquarius (conjunct the U.S. Moon) further establishes him as an agent for the American ideals of liberty.

But the main configuration that put him in the national spotlight last week is his Mars in defensive Cancer opposite authoritarian Saturn in Capricorn. This polarity has been under the influence of the transiting Uranus-Pluto square over the past few years, as he’s moved beyond Steve Jobs’ legacy to make Apple the largest corporation in the world. Black Moon Lilith conjoins his Mars, adding the element of the unknown or taboo.

In this case, Lilith is like an airplane’s black box that contains all the hidden but relevant information. On Tuesday, when the court order was issued, transiting Lilith was precisely squaring Cook’s natal Lilith. John Halloran has found that the Black Moon Lilith represents freedom from constraints, usually in an empowering and healthy way. At the same time, transiting Pluto was opposing Cook’s Mars, symbolizing the FBI’s power play. Lilith adds color to the story. Over the coming year, transiting Uranus and Pluto will continue to activate Cook’s Mars-Lilith conjunction and his heightened sensitivity to the need for electronic privacy.

* See NewsScope for November 3, 2014.

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Last modified on February 22, 2016.
