










Kevin McCarthy astrology

I just updated the Famous Charts to include the new House Speaker (R) Kevin McCarthy (born at 12:40 pm on January 26, 1965 in Bakersfield, California), who has Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Sagittarius, and Gemini rising.

Kevin McCarthy horoscope

Kevin was born during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of the mid-Sixties. He has Uranus at 14 Vir 13 and Pluto at 15 Vir 57. What is most interesting is that he has Chiron at 15 Pis 55. The transcendental planets Uranus, Pluto, and Chiron are in communication with each other. What does it mean that Chiron is so closely opposed to Pluto? Chiron aspects seem to expand the influence of the other planet (reinforcing my idea that in the hierarchy of planets Chiron comes after Pluto as the transcendental octave of Jupiter). When I go to the large table of aspect frequencies that I have assembled for 108 categories of people, I see that women manifest this generational aspect of Pluto opposite Chiron most strongly. The most frequent category is Lawyers_noted_f (79 out of 510 = 0.1549). The most frequent category for men is Singer_vocalist_m (72 out of 576 = 0.1250).

Kevin was born with the Moon right on his Descendant. The interpretation says, "You are well suited for jobs requiring a great deal of contact with the public." Saturn closely squares the Moon. The most frequent categories for that aspect are men who are Disciplined, Intelligent, and Law Enforcement Officers.

Kevin is one of the top Republican fundraisers, raising over $25 million in each of the last two election years, with the biggest contributions from retired individuals, which he spends in support of Republican House candidates. McCarthy's Jupiter at 16 Tau 35, which trines his Uranus-Pluto conjunction, lines up with the Republican Party's Uranus at 15 Tau 48, Neptune at 15 Pis 53, and Sun at 14 Can 15.

The Solar Arc Directions technique works well for timing when there is a pattern that can rotate relative to the natal chart. When Kevin assumed the job of Speaker on January 9, the Pluto-Chiron opposition had rotated to 14 Sco 11 and 14 Tau 09, forming close aspects to his natal Uranus at 14 Vir 13. It is appropriate that Pluto and Chiron are aspecting his natal Uranus now because transiting Pluto in late Capricorn is conjoining Pluto in the USA 1776 chart now. The country is finally finished with transiting Neptune opposing Neptune in the USA chart, an aspect that has been undermining the country. Kevin's chart provides the aspects needed for regenerative Pluto to clean up law enforcement and restore trust. Because President Biden signed a huge bill in 2022 that spends money through September of 2023, the earliest opportunity for the House to exert real leverage will be when the debt ceiling limit is breached this summer in the 3rd quarter. The next major aspect for McCarthy will be the Solar Arc trine from Chiron to natal Pluto. When does that occur? The surprising answer is on election day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024. On election day, Solar Arc Chiron will be at 15 Tau 57, exactly trine natal Pluto at 15 Vir 57. That is quite a coincidence. Will the voters give him a resounding mandate to continue instituting reforms? Will he parlay his successes into an even higher office?

If you want to look for historical parallels, Thomas Edison was born with Chiron closely opposing Pluto and under the same Solar Arc trine aspect announced in 1907 that he would retire from commercial development in order to concentrate on scientific research. This indicates a culmination of long-term efforts.

AstrolDeluxe Platinum, which is now at version 10.2, comes bundled with the Famous Charts collection.

Democratic Party and Republican Party Power Graphs for Election Day

James Buchanan and Joe Biden, parallels between 15 and 46

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Last modified on January 13, 2023.
